Sunday 20 September 2015

Connotation Photos

This photo relates to ''Loneliness''. This intention for this photo is to show what loneliness is, or what it may look like. I feel that this image succeeds in showing loneliness as it makes you feel like the person in the photo is really sitting alone, and has no-one.

When taking the photo, we decided to choose it on metal stairs as it really sets the mood, since it appears to be in an arena where no-one else is. I decided to put my hood up in this photo, as it correlates with the ''Loneliness'' theme. The colors are also dull, which helps to give the feeling.

This photo relates to ''Friendship''. The intention for this photo is what friendship is and looks like. I feel that this image succeeds in showing friendship because the two people in the photo, are smiling, and having a good time which lets us know that they're good friends.

When taking this photo, we chose somewhere bright as it makes the photo seem more joyful, and we chose two people are close friends, since it would be easier for them to show friendship with confidence.

This photo relates to ''Strength''. The intention of this photo is to show, and let us know what strength looks and feels like. I feel that this image succeeds in showing what strength is because the person in the photo is standing above the photo taker, which correlates with strength as he appears to be above everyone else. As well as strength, this photo shows power.

When taking this photo we decided to choose somewhere that gives us a bright background, and that was high up. Since the high you are, the more power you appear to have against anyone under you.

This photo relates to ''Fear''. The intention of this photo was to show, and give us the feeling of what fear is. This photo shows someone being intimidated by someone else, which is a main cause of fear. Because of this, i feel that this imagine succeeds in showing fear.

When taking this photo, we chose somewhere with no people, to show that the person feeling the fear can't do anything about it. Also, the wall is blocking the way so the victim has no-where to run.

This photo relates to ''Greed''. The intention of this photo was to show and give the feeling of what greed really is. The photo is showing someone taking the wallet out of someone else pocket. We thought this would correlate with greed because when people are greedy, they keep things to themselves and in this photo, the person taking the wallet, is taking it for themselves.

When taking the photo we chose somewhere with dark colors as greed is a very dark thing, also it's somewhere you can see what happening, as the area isn't too bright.
This photo relates to ''Wealth''. The intention of this photo was to show and give the idea of wealth. The photo is a close up photo of money, as money is the key to wealth. We thought this would be a simple, but effective photo.

We made the background blurry so that who-ever is viewing this photo, will focus more on the money, and not on the surroundings.

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