Tuesday 5 January 2016

''Refugee'' - Filming Process

Refugee Filming Process
On the first day of creating our film ''Refugee'', we didn't decide to do any filming. This is because on the day, the weather was really bad and we were still in the middle of choosing what our film is actually going to be about. We knew we wanted to a short film on refugee's, but we weren't sure how. In the lesson we finally came up with ideas on how we were going to produce our film and we jotted them down. We decided to start by making the intro of our film with all of the pre-news clips that we were going to use. This way we could have more time to think about who we were going to interview, and could get some of our film done at the same time. While we were doing this, the other groups were still thinking about there ideas for the films that they created so this meant that we were ahead of all of them. This was an advantage for us because it meant that we had more time to make changes at the end.
On the second day on designing our film, we again didn't do any filming. The reason for this is because the weather was bad like the first day we worked on our film, and not all of our team members were in college. Because of this, we decided that we'd continue to work on the edit/ intro of our film, so then we had something to do and wouldn't get behind because of our day of not interviewing anyways. This was a dis-advantage for us because we'd had finished most of the intro on the first day so there wasn't much to do on the second day, this didn't put us behind but it would have been more time efficient if we didn't do filming on the day. We also thought that no-one would want to answer any of the questions that we'd want to ask because it was early in the morning and because the weather was cold, people might have gotten annoyed at us for trying to stop them while they were in the middle of getting somewhere, or were trying to shop.
On the third day of creating our film, we decided that we'd finally get some interviews done, as there was nothing that we could do to improve our intro, so spending another day on this would have been a waste of time and wouldn't have been very time efficient. We also decided that instead of going to film people we didn't know in public. that we'd film people we'd know. The reason for this is because a swell as us thinking that no-one would stop to talk to us, that if we filmed people that we knew then they'd be more comfortable answering the questions and we'd end up getting better responses. Luckily we managed to get all the clips we needed for our film on this day, but we did't have anymore time to edit when we got back to class because it was the end of the lesson, so we decided to upload the clips to the computer and wait for the next lesson.
On the fourth day of filming, we spent the lesson editing clips that we were going to use, and slowly started to input them into our film, we also changed our into because the one that we were planning on using before didn't fit very well with the clips that we were using. We also decided on this day that instead of asking the questions in the film, we'd put them up on a black scree, and have the people we interviewed answer them after. This is because it helped the film go together better, and our voices when we asked the questions didn't sound as serious as they should have.
We continued to edit different clips that we recorded and filmed, and began to sync them with each-other. This took a lot of time and we spent many lessons doing this, as time consuming as it was, it was worth it, as we were starting to finish pretty quickly.
When editing, our group decided that we would take turns on different days, on who would edit. This worked out well because it helped us all learn how to use the program, and constantly gave us something to do.
Finally we finished the editing of the clips, and had imported them all into our film, after 1 more lesson on the editing, we finished our film and exported it.

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