Thursday 7 January 2016


Unilever is a company/website that advertises the sales of different products. These products will range from food, to household items. Unilever owns all of the brands that they advertise, and will receive some of the money that the advertised company receives from there products.

The history of Unilever
This is a video that's made by Unilever, and it tells you about the history of the company, and how it came to be. It mainly starts of by going over the history of two rival butter companies, who joined as one because of the demand they had to produce to customers.  When Unilever came to be they helped companies like this to advertise there products and help up projects for companies.

Pot Noodle:
This adverts starts of with a man talking about him eating pot noodles because he can spend less time cooking, and more time exercising and being active. We later find out that this guy speaking about pot noodles is a boxes, and after videos of him training we see him representing pot noodles in the fighting ring.
I think this advert works because not only does it make you see the positives of eating pot noodles, it's funny which makes the product seem more entertaining.

PG Tips:
This advert is about a monkey that returns to his friend after what we assume has been a long time. They manage to re-unite there friendship over a cup of tea which is of the PG Tips brand.
I think that this advert works well because it's funny and has a good story to it. This will make people enjoy the product more.

This advert is about one slice of Vienetta not being enough. It shows multiple people eating the ice cream then all wanting the last slice of the ice-cream.
I think this advert works because it makes the ice-cream look insanely nice to eat, and i feel a lot of people will feel that way after watching this advert.

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