Wednesday 25 May 2016

Documentary Ideas

I've decided that i'm going to create my Documentary on Game Streaming. For example, streaming Games on Twitch TV. I want to cover the reasons people stream games, watch people play games instead of playing the games themselves and what made the streaming community grow. Over time the streaming community has grown, and i would like to find out the reasons for it. I feel that other people would find my documentary very entertaining, as i know that most people in the world are interested in the idea of gaming and streaming. Even though many people don't like the idea of gamers watching other gamers play games instead of playing the games themselves, i aim to find out the reasons for this.

When i discussed my idea to the class, i got positive feedback telling me that the idea i have for a documentary on streaming is a good idea, and the class seemed to have high interest on it. My documentary will be an interactive documentary. It will be an interactive documentary because i will be in it, asking questions and giving other peoples views on the topic of streaming. The target audience for my documentary will be teenagers to adults. The reason that this is my target audience is because people aged from 16-30 are more likely to play games, i know this because of statistics that i found recorded online.

By the end of the documentary, i aim to find out a variety of views that different people of different ages have on the idea of streaming, i also hope to make people enjoy the idea much more, as i personally think that streaming is entertaining, and can help people understand games that they may not have the money to by (so it  could save them money).
I hope to film somewhere game related (Like a game room in the college or an arcade). I want somewhere like this to be my set location because it sets the mood nicely. Even filming in a bright place outside may make the documentary look more attractive.

I will need other people to be included when creating my documentary, for example, people to help film, and other witnesses to interview about the topic of my documentary. Although i will be discussing my own opinions on the topic, i would like other opinions to make the documentary less bias.

Examples of interview questions that i may ask:
Do you watch any gaming streams ? (,, Youtube)?
If you were to watch a gaming stream, what platform would you prefer to watch a ''Streamer'' stream from?
What is your outtake on the idea of people watching streamers play games, instead of playing the games themselves?
Have you ever streamed before? Would you ever consider taking up the idea?
The props that i would need in order to produce my documentary are as followed:
Camera (To film)
Computer (So that i can show and give examples of different streams)
People to interview (Because without them i wouldn't be able to ask anyone questions)
There is no current set budget because all of the equipment that i need to produce the documentary can be lent from my college.

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