Monday 13 March 2017

Music Video Production Handbook 2

In concert and ''as live'' footage
In concert music videos, that music videos that show the band playing at a live event. This is done by a variety of different artists in the attempt to persuade fans and viewers to go see the artist perform live. The example that I chose for this is ''Paradise City', as it's the first song i thought of, and best represents old school concerts.

AC/DC thunderstruck is another popular song which displays the band performing live at a concert. The difference here is that this is ''in concert'' footage. This means that instead of the video being naturally taken from a previous concert and stuck into a music video, the concert is instead performed purposely for this music video. This could also include better editing and camera shots as the band is more aware and alert that they're being filmed for a purpose.

Narrative and interpretive
A Narrative music video is a video which has a story behind it, mainly shown in the music video. The video that I chose to represent a narrative is Data-Dont sing. The story behind this is that everyone has their own thoughts and fantasies, but as soon as something disastrous happens, they all come together and care. (Basically that no-one notices or cares about one another until something bad happens). I decided to choose this song because it has a strange yet more entertaining narrative than the other songs I found.

Interpretive Music Video

An interpretive music video is a video which relates to the song being sung. Although this is used by many different artists, there are only a music videos i were able to find which suited this category well. The example that I decided to use was ''Benny little game''. This song is about breaking gender roles, and the music videos shows a boy and girl being ''punished'' for showing interest in the stereotype of the other gender. For example, the boy touches a doll (A stereotypical girls toy), where as the girl tries to open a book, which breaks the olden days posture tradition.

The word surrealist comes from the term ''surrealism'' which is essentially an old tradition where someone would express their thoughts and dreams. Therefore, a surrealist video is a video where the artist shows how they feel, or what they want to feel. Surrealist videos can also be where the video relates to impressionist videos in the sense that its being linked to what's said.
The music video that i decided to use, to show realist was ''Coldplay-Up and Up''. This video just talks about peoples imagination and shows a bunch of edited videos which are quite bizarre, and also display the dream and imaginary effect of surrealism.

An absurdist music video is a music video which doesn't make much sense, nor does it tell the story of what's being sung in the song. Although they're mostly strange, viewers are mostly attracted by the uniqueness and randomness of what the videos contain. The video that i used to show absurdist is Daft Punk - Technologic. I'm fully unable to say what the song or the video is about, as they're both random and don't really have much story to them. But it's these factors which gives it the absurdist effect.

Impressionist music videos have a purpose of giving the viewer the impression of what the artist feels when singing the song. It also helps us know what the artist is feeling. The song that I used for this was ''Why dont you get a job'' by the Offspring.


When Synergy is linked into music videos, it's when the music video produced matches the atmosphere of the song. The example that I used for this was ''Happy'' by Pharrell Williams. As well as talking about being happy, the actors in the msuic video also give the vibe and intention that they're happy. This is where the synergy is included.
A parody is where the non official artist of a song, produces a cover version of a song, with a mix up version of the lyrics. The main purpose of this is to give a song a comedic effect. The example im using this is a parody of ''Closer'' by the chain smokers. The parody is by Bart Baker.


A pastiche music video is a music video based around the idea of fantasy, and not reality. The example that I decided to use for this was ''Vogue'' by Madonna. I decided to choose this is it gives a real view on Pastiche and shows it better than other songs.

Allusion in music videos is simply where the song relates and tells a different story to what the song is about. This is very similar to the intertexual style of music videos.

An Animation music video is simply a video that contains a cartoon animation. The animated characters are usually the ones singing the song, or given the impression that they're singing along. This provides a larger source of entertainment for the viewer, especially those of a younger target audience. The example that ive used for this is ''Lone Digger''.

  Lip Sync:
Lip syncing is an extremely popular factor which crops up in music videos a lot of the time. It's essentially where the artist or another actor will mime the song being sung in the background, to give the impression that they're the ones singing the song. The song i decided to use to show Lip Syncing is Uncharted. In this video, it's not the artist who lip syncs but instead actors. I decided to use this example because it's the best video to show lip syncing and is obvious to spot.

Cutting to beat:
Cutting to the beat is where the scene in the music video changes every time a new line or singer begins. This is done to give the music video a fast paced effect, and too keep the viewer entertained. The example that in used for this was Wings by little mix. In this video, they change scenes every couple of seconds, and there's always a new singer singing at the beginning of a scene. Not once in the music video does the singer show up in two scene in a row.

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