Thursday 25 May 2017

Demons Music Video

The Synopsis of demon

First verse 

With in the first few words of the song I will make it a slow intro from a black screen to someone on there own trying to get through life with a piece of paper in there hands to crumple it up and chuck it in the bin


With this main chorus kicking in I ill show some editing by showing a black ball within someones body to show some light coming from the ball fading the darkness

Second verse

In this verse I will start off from curtain's opening up to the actors. Then have a close up on there face on only white masks to show that were one but were not.


From the second verse I will show some horns on a friend/ family member of the person to show that we aren't all the same and that theirs evil in all of us.

Third verse

With this one I will show that even we can get over our troubles so long as we have someone to help us but show through editing that the person is taped behind bars in there sole being opend up.


on this one show that the small light that was fading starts to get brighter to show they are trying to get out as well as showing a small second light that helping them.

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