Thursday, 22 June 2017

The nature and purposes of research

Primary Research:
Primary research can be defined as information you gain from a first person source. This type of information is what you would get if you were to get the information from someone else, rather than a product such as a book or online. Primary research is usually gained from interviews, questionnaires or just being at the location of research yourself. For example, if you were to research about the beach, and went to the beach to study it, this would be classed as primary research. Primary research , in some cases tends to be a much more reliable way to gain information, although their can be some bias information given to you if interviewing someone.

I used primary research in the course when doing my ''Refugee'' documentary. In this documentary, i interviewed some random college students in order to get their views and facts on the ''Refugee Crisis''. We decided to use primary research for this documentary because it helps to make the documentary more factual, and its much more reliable then getting peoples views online. The reason for this is that getting opinions and facts of people we know would be more relivent as it gives the viewer a rough idea on what people around our area think about that particular topic.
Here is a shot from the documentary that we produced. From this screenshot you're able to see that this is an interview, which shows primary research being gathered for the video.

Secondary Research:

Secondary research is research that doesn't specifically come from a mouth to mouth conversation, and doesn't come through you experiencing something in person. Secondary research is research pre-written or documented by someone else, such as books, magazines or online forums. Secondary research is helpful when you want to get a general view on what people think of a topic, although there can be a lot of bias and false information, which means that you have to be careful when gaining and studying from secondary info.

Secondary research was used when studying the chosen song for my music video, and finding out what the lyrics mean. Because the notes used were gathered from different forums, all of the research for this was secondary.

Here's a screenshot which displays some of the notes I used for my music video.
I also used secondary when doing the Music video project, as I research different type of song genres. This could also be used as secondary research as it was all gathered from online.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is research gathered from the ratings of different type of media. For example if you saw a show with 2/5 stars, you would assume that the show isn't that great. The information rating which told you how good the show was would be Quantitative research. Quantitative research could also be gathered from questionnaires and other peoples opinions.
This is a piece of my ideas page for my 3MW video. Here you can see that I've written out questions for a questionnaire that I asked different students around the college. Because the result information all came from questionnaires, this would be considered as Quantitative information. Quantitative information is what i felt was the best option for my video, as its a much faster way of researching and gathering information, as you're able to get peoples opinions at a much faster pace.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research tends to be research and information that is gained from sources such as reviews or fan websites. This information tends to be peoples opinions are is more likely bias rather than factual. Although bias, this information is very good when you want to report on something, as it can give you a rough idea on whether something is good or not, for example a game or a movie. Although everyone has different opinions, if 20 people say something is bad, and 1 person says its good, the chances are its going to be bad. Reviews tend to be listened to by a lot of people and bad reviews will decrease the demand of someone wanting to watch a movie, or play a certain game.

I used reviews in my research for the ''Card Game'' video that I did with my group. We asked people general information on their opinions and ideas on card games, including which they liked and why they liked them.
This is a clip from the video of people playing card games, and the audio behind it is the reviews about the card games.

Data Gathering Agencies

BARB - Barb is a company which deals with the ratings of different television programs. The information that this company gains is mostly Qualitative, as they work of reviews they get from other people. From these reviews, they put together an average to give television shows and programs what they think would be a reasonable rating. The ratings are usually measured from from many people have watched the Media, and how popular it is, instead of how good the movie is itself.

Another company that focuses around the same job role as BARB is IMDB. IMDB is a much larger company for movie and TV reviews, and has more customer trust. Different companies have different amount of trust, as some reviewing companies give alot of unfair reviews and put people of watching good movies, because the company presents the movie as being bad or unworthy. It's unlikely that any company would rate something as one star, but they have been known too in the past. Another difference with IMDB, is that they dont just rate movies based on popularity, but they also base their information of how high quality the movie is. They will rate the quality by following the 1-5 star system, and will present a result based on that. The public will then view the star the website has given a movie to help them decide whether or not they're interested in watching the movie.

There are infact hundreds of different agencies that all share the same job role when rating different movies and products. Sometimes these agencies will use information of each other but this is avoided most of the time to avoid argument.

Audience and market research

Audience and market research tends to be information that you can see yourself by seeing how much or little a product sells, or how small the products popularity is across the public. Information about certain things can also be seen, especially media by the channels that they're displayed on. For example, something shown on BBC1 is most likely more popular than something you'd see on channel 200, because the BBC is more popular is people know its more likely to show more entertaining programs.

The only time I came close to using this type of research on the course was with the Adverts I had to review during the music video topic. During this course I looked at different TV adverts and was able to tell how popular the adverts may have been. and what their aim was.
Here are two adverts that i had to review when doing a class presentation. I gave information about the popularity of the adverts as well as what channels they were displayed on. I was able to give a rough idea on how popular i thought these adverts were by the channels they were broadcasted on.

Production Research

Production research is information that can be gained about the product itself. For example, finding out where the production will increase/decrease in profits, or whether it will gain more of less popularity. Production research was used for most of the films we did in media, because we had to work out the budgets for them. Budget information also counts as production research. Here is a screenshot which shows the information and budget forms of one of my groups productions.

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